Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two Year Anniversary

Exactly two years ago today, I had my first seizure. If you told me before that day that I would be diagnosed with Epilepsy, I would have thought you were crazy. It’s been rough dealing with the different medications and their side effects, but I’ve had to adapt.

I have been asked if things have gotten worse in these two years, and my initial answer was no. For me, I have adapted to the situation, and it’s my life. I take medications daily, attend college full time, and deal with seizures whenever they may happen. When you are looking at it from the outside, it has gotten worse. The side effects, the MRI’s, and trying to manage something where the best thing you can hope for is controlling your seizures.

My attitude has changed completely. At first, I was upset that I wasn’t going to be able to work or go to France this summer, but I know now that this is what was supposed to happen. Everything has fallen into place; I went from being terrified of brain surgery, to wanting brain surgery. Is it scary? Yes, but I want the possibility of not having another seizure, or just being able to go weeks without having one. I’ve grown up a lot since my diagnosis, and I’m happy with where I am. This is God’s plan for me.

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